Bluebird Botanicals is a world leading hemp extract and CBD company.

They are the USA’s favorite hemp company for a very good reason. They say that they want to make the world a better place through fair business, philanthropy, sustainability, and the well-being of their customers around the world. Their products are planet-and-people-friendly and all-natural and can help to enrich your spirit, calm your mind, and restore strength and vitality to your body.
They have very strict sourcing and business practices which are designed to have minimal impact on the environment, and their products are of the highest quality.
They use biodegradable corn starch peanuts for packing material, 100% recycled paper for printing, and have sustainable farming, harvesting, and processing of their products, importing as little as possible to reduce energy waste.
Bluebird Botanicals was declared the number1 Hemp CBD Company at the 2016 Cannabist Awards presented in Las Vegas on November 16th, 2016 at the Marijuana Business Conference & Expo.
They now use hemp grown in Kentucky having partnered with farmers in Spring 2016 to organically grow cannabinoid-rich hemp for them.
They have the industry’s leading Quality Control System and a 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee. They also have several Assistance Programs for people on long-term disability, low-income and for veterans.
They only use the highest quality hemp grown in ideal soil and use the safest, most effective extraction and purification methods to produce their extracts. They use state-of-the-art analysis techniques and have independent laboratories analyze their raw Hemp extract to determine its cannabinoid content, and confirm its purity from any contaminants such as pesticides, microbes, and mold.
Bluebird Botanicals’ Hemp Extracts are 100% natural with 0% synthetic cannabinoids added, and are grown without the use of pesticides or fertilizers. They have a fair pricing structure and pass on any savings they can to their customers.
They sell hemp-derived CO2 Hemp Extracts to all fifty states and anywhere worldwide, which means No MMJ card or physical moving is required, as they don’t sell anything made from marijuana or anything on the United States Controlled Substances Act (US C.S.A).
They are big supporters for nationwide reform of cannabis/hemp laws, and are members of the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) and the Hemp Industries Association (HIA).
On top of their world class products, guarantee and customer service they also donate to several great charities including:-
CURE- cureepilepsy.org
American Cancer Society- cancer.org
Diabetes Research Institute Foundation- diabetesresearch.org
Autism Research Institute- autism.com
National Multiple Sclerosis Society- nationalmssociety.org
National Veterans Foundation- nvf.org
National Relief Charities, “Building strong, self-sufficient Native American Communities”-
Global Fund For Women- globalfundforwomen.org
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless- coloradocoalition.org
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation- ACLU.org
Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies- MAPS.org
Industrial Hemp Research Foundation- theihrfoundation.com
Individual citizens seeking support
Visit Bluebird Botanicals and check out what they offer!